Senior PHP Developer (100% remote)

Annual base salary (This could vary from candidate to candidate)

About us 

  • We view customer support as essential to making a good product. The problems and questions our customers bring to us are what create the foundation of every project we work on, so we are all involved in support in some way. This allows everyone in our company to be in tune with our customers and knowledgeable about our product and the way it’s being used.
  • We are committed to diversity and inclusion. We are serious about everyone on our team feeling safe, comfortable, heard, and valued at work.
  • We are self-funded. We are committed to growing responsibly and working creatively within the constraints of our own progress. Our goal is to make a useful, accessible product based on the needs of our customers, not the demands of investors.
  • We believe that remote work is the future. Being a remote company offers us the ability to connect with a team of people from all around the world. We also understand that each person has their own unique approach to their workflow and we trust our employees to manage their own time within their set working hours while keeping in mind that this role includes time-sensitive work.
  • We believe in quality, not quantity. We don’t use metrics or KPIs to measure the success of our teams. While productivity and response times are important, providing stellar support and empathy to our customers is the priority.
  • We are generous. We teach and learn from each other on a daily basis. Decisions are often made collectively based on the wisdom and experience we each bring to the conversation. 

About the role 

  • This is a full-time Senior PHP developer position. Our application is written in PHP and connects to over 300 third-party services to import and export orders, shipments, and product information to and from these other services.
  • You will primarily be responsible for writing code by following best practices and standards, with guidance from our experienced Principal Engineer and Product Architect.
  • The entire Order Desk team is generous with our knowledge and our time, and we teach and learn from each other daily. Decisions are often made collectively based on the experience we each bring to the conversation. We are willing to look beyond our ideas and comforts to grow our potential and do the right thing for our customers and each other.
  • We are currently in the process of rewriting our existing platform to modernize its architecture with scalability and maintainability in mind. You’ll be responsible of collaborating in building of the back-end and the front-end code of the new version, and to ensure it is up to code base and industry standards. Our platform integrates with over 300 3rd parties and this brings up fun challenges we tackle every day. We utilize JavaScript and SCSS for our user interfaces and interactivity. On the back-end we work with PHP ^8 without a specific framework.
  • Here's what a typical day at Order Desk looks like: You log in to work and ping a wave hello as you sip your favorite morning beverage. There've been discussions around the next feature we'll be building with scalability, maintainability, and customer experience in mind. You pick up a task that is assigned to you and start writing your feature or bugfix and make sure it is well tested. As you do so, you follow the code and quality standards set for the project you're working on. Once you are happy with your code, you push your feature branch up for review. You notice that you are tagged in two pull requests and review those to ensure they do what is defined in the specification and are up to standards. Some days you're building UI components with SCSS or interactivity using JavaScript. Other days you're refactoring the PHP backend of existing services.

About you 

  • You can live anywhere in the world!
  • You must be able to speak and write English fluently.
  • You must be comfortable working during US business hours (PST - Pacific Standard Time). 
  • You’re a problem solver who likes to proactively find solutions rather than reactively respond to problems. Obstacles are not roadblocks to you; they are challenges to be figured out.
  • You’re not afraid to ask questions, comfortable admitting your limitations and recognizing your gaps in knowledge not as flaws, but as opportunities to grow.
  • You’re someone who can be self-directed and thrive in a remote environment.
  • You appreciate the balance between levity and professionalism.
  • You’re collaborative and thrive on sharing your thoughts, ideas, and problem-solving strategies with a diverse team.
  • You’re a learner and always want to find better answers and solutions. You aren’t afraid to be wrong if you know you can learn from your mistakes.
  • You are eager to make an impact on your team and your customers with the work you do.


  • You should have 5+ years of experience in programming with PHP (a bonus if you have experience in legacy PHP).
  • You are capable of debugging and troubleshooting complex systems and new code bases.
  • You have a solid understanding of programming paradigms.
  • You have experience building and maintaining web applications with PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, and JavaScript.
  • You are comfortable creating feature branches, squashing your commits, and rebasing with the main branch before you push your work for review.
  • You have a good understanding of SOLID principles. You should also have a solid understanding of design patterns and recognize where to implement them.
  • You are excited to learn and implement new technologies and programming languages. You can find bottlenecks in code, infra, and storage.
  • You can utilize appropriate libraries where needed and aren’t locked into using a particular PHP framework (Laravel, Symfony, etc.).
  • You know how to collaborate with a team using Git.

You should have a solid understanding of:

  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Redis
  • Doctrine
  • Git
  • PHPUnit and unit testing
  • JavaScript
  • SCSS
  • Twig

Preferred skills:

  • ElasticSearch
  • SQS
  • Docker
  • Asynchronous programming PHP
  • Interacting with 3rd party APIs

We don’t expect you to know our entire stack, but you should have working experience with and a solid understanding of most of our stack.

Order Desk is a multi-channel order management app that helps ecommerce merchants automate, organize, and control their order fulfillment process. Our customers include new and established merchants in ecommerce, fulfillment companies managing stores for their clients, and internationally-recognized people and brands—to name a few.